Reaching Out
The Sunshine Coast has a critical shortage of accessible transportation and that many individuals are “shut-ins” either from a lack of resources or dependence on others. We at the SSAC have a plan to be of help.
The Sunshine Coast has a critical shortage of accessible transportation and that many individuals are “shut-ins” either from a lack of resources or dependence on others. We at the SSAC have a plan to be of help.
There has been an overwhelming positive response to our donation campaign launched last September. At the time of writing, you have so generously gifted a total of $72,334.26 in the three programs combined.
The Mitch Lazer British Invasion dance was totally far out man! They played so many hip tunes - everyone got their groove on.
Forty SSAC volunteers and activity leaders will have the opportunity to take the non-accredited CPR workshop, thanks to a Sunshine Coast Foundation 2024 Responsive Community Grant.
It has been a very warm summer so far and we are pleased that many members are coming to the SSAC for various activities and to cool down.
On July 20th, we had Creek Big Band with Lynne Dickson as vocalist back again as many members requested and we were not disappointed.
We are very pleased to announce that we successfully competed for a Sunshine Coast Foundation 2024 Responsive Community Grant.
Another month has whizzed by, full of fun and activities. Read about what's happening at your Centre!
It is only because of the efforts of over 150 volunteers that the SSAC can run so well, or even at all. We celebrate all of them!
Not to be confused with a drinking tournament, the dink is a shot in Pickleball. The tournament was nevertheless a lot of fun for players and spectators alike!