Due to a new cooperative relationship between ourselves and the Gibsons Seniors Society (GSS) at Harmony Hall, we can now offer a variety of exciting bus trips. As well as the usual casino and shopping trips we can offer coastal and mainland cultural and guided eco trips. Thanks to the recent reciprocal membership agreement, current Gibsons members will be able to buy half-price SSAC memberships and have priority sign-up for bus trips along with other SSAC members.
We are reviving a very popular destination for our bus: Tea and Trumpets. We will be going to two of the Orpheum’s Tea and Trumpets series: April 18th Under the Palm Trees and May 23rd Back to the Baroque. Our bus is the perfect way to get your symphonic fix and avoid ferry hassles and downtown parking.
Designed and guided by GSS President and naturalist Manfred Scholermann, the Sunshine Coast Seniors Activity Tours offer guided ecological and cultural walks. For each of the guided walks, Manfred has a vast amount of fascinating and educational knowledge to share:
Sunshine Coast Seniors Activity Tours
Guided by Manfred Scholermann
- Finding the Mother Tree
- Lighthouse Park Rainforest Adventure
- Silk Road Adventure, Tai Chi Lesson & Dim Sum Lunch
- Vancouver Garden Tour & Museum of Anthropology
- Photography Escape in Nature
We will be continuing to offer mainland casino and shopping trips. Hopefully, the new arrangement with GSS will increase the numbers for those trips. The pricing and booking policies are as stated previously. Trips are for SSAC members. Members may bring guests if there are seats still available after the member booking deadline. Guests will have a $5 surcharge on their fare. For mainland trips, the fare will be $40 for 65+ years of age and $55 for <65 years of age. The differential is because the 65+s travel for free on the ferry on Monday through Thursday. The deadline for member sign ups will be 7 days in advance of the sailing. Guests would therefore be able to sign up into any available seats from 6 days in advance.
In addition, we will be looking for local destinations for trips. We had requests for local craft brewery, botanical gardens, and observatory trips. We are in the process of planning those. In addition, if you have any ideas for local or mainland trips, please let us know at . We want to see the bus wheels rolling in service of our members as often as possible.