Happy New Year to all! 2024 was a prosperous year for the SSAC, and 2025 looks to be equally prosperous. We are in a strong financial position, owning the building and land with an assessed value of $2.74 million and a mortgage of $123,420.42 which we intend to discharge at its maturity at the end of July 2025. We currently have approximately $100,000 in the general revenue account and $77,632.73 in the contingency account. A recent comprehensive building inspection revealed no major concerns, although there were several minor items requiring our attention. A massive thanks must go to Bob Maveety, who has dealt with each of these issues, and is making up a maintenance schedule to ensure that we keep on top of building maintenance. If you do notice any maintenance related issues, please let us know at the front desk.
As previously mentioned, our popularity continues to grow as evidenced by our membership numbers; currently there are approximately 1,700 active members. By “active” each member has accessed our Centre for activities or food service, in the past year and a half. We have a space committee looking at some possible solutions to make the main entrance less congested at peak times.
We are very pleased to welcome Jackie Coombs to the position of part-time sous chef to help with the strain on food services. In addition, interviews will be held at the beginning of this month for candidates for the advertised Office Manager position.
On December 20th we held the annual Christmas Luncheon where Emily, Liz and her crew of preppers, servers and dishwasher volunteers served an incredible buffet to a record 150 members crammed into the Auditorium. The demand for tickets far exceeded the supply unfortunately, so tickets sold very quickly and left many members frustrated that they could not attend. This is another example of the consequences of high active membership numbers and limited space.
At recent dances, and at the Christmas lunch, 50/50 and other raffles have been held with the intention of donating the proceeds to the Sechelt Community Services food bank. After the New Year’s Eve dance the cumulative total will be close to $1,000. We promised to double the amount raised, so in the New Year we will be donating a cheque for $2,000 to the food bank. This is but another way that shows we care not only about our members but the greater community as well. May the New Year bring you good health, peace, joy, and happiness!